Scoil Iósaif Naofa
Oranmore Boys NS
  Scoil Iósaif Naofa, Maree Rd, Oranmore
  091 790312
Welcome to Mrs. Conneely 4th Class
Our posts
🖋️📚 We published a book! 🖋️📚

4th class worked in conjunction with Galway Aquarium to publish a wonderful book about sea creatures. The title of the book is 'Sea Animals' and the boys have dedicated their book to all of the endangered sea creatures in the world. The boys worked very hard researching, drafting and editing their work. We are so proud of what they've produced. Well done boys!

15 April 2024
🧪 Materials and change 🧪

We have been learning about different materials in our recent science lessons. We created a solid bone structure by mixing two liquids together and creating a chemical reaction to form a solid. The boys also enjoyed learning about the importance of calcium and vitamin D in our diets.

16 January 2024
🎄 Merry Christmas Everyone! 🎄

Fourth class have enjoyed a lovely month of December and have celebrated Christmas in many ways. We created lots of different Christmas scenes during art, sang a range of Christmas Carols and had a wonderful trip to the cinema. Merry Christmas Everyone!

22 December 2023
💛 Wellbeing Workshop 💛

Fourth class enjoyed a workshop on wellbeing this week. We discussed how to look after our own wellbeing, what strategies we can use when a challenging incident occurs and learning how to appreciate what we already have. It was a very insightful and interesting webinar.

07 December 2023
Science Week!

We used the theme of 'The Human Body' to complete different experiments during Science Week. We made models of teeth and investigated the effects of tooth decay using a range of foods. As well as this, we learned how DNA was discovered and made models of the double helix structure, which was discovered in the 1950s. The boys also completed wonderful projects in groups and studied topics such as 'Famous Scientists' and 'The Solar System'. Finally, we had a demonstration of a self driving car, which was very exciting.

21 November 2023
🌋 Volcanoes 🌋

Fourth class used 'Volcanoes' as a stimulus for their English, History, Science, Art and Geography work during the month of October. We studied the ancient city of Pompeii, learned why Volcanoes erupt and the boys particularly enjoyed making volcanoes from clay.

04 November 2023
Our posts
🖋️📚 We published a book! 🖋️📚

4th class worked in conjunction with Galway Aquarium to publish a wonderful book about sea creatures. The title of the book is 'Sea Animals' and the boys have dedicated their book to all of the endangered sea creatures in the world. The boys worked very hard researching, drafting and editing their work. We are so proud of what they've produced. Well done boys!

15 April 2024
🧪 Materials and change 🧪

We have been learning about different materials in our recent science lessons. We created a solid bone structure by mixing two liquids together and creating a chemical reaction to form a solid. The boys also enjoyed learning about the importance of calcium and vitamin D in our diets.

16 January 2024
🎄 Merry Christmas Everyone! 🎄

Fourth class have enjoyed a lovely month of December and have celebrated Christmas in many ways. We created lots of different Christmas scenes during art, sang a range of Christmas Carols and had a wonderful trip to the cinema. Merry Christmas Everyone!

22 December 2023
💛 Wellbeing Workshop 💛

Fourth class enjoyed a workshop on wellbeing this week. We discussed how to look after our own wellbeing, what strategies we can use when a challenging incident occurs and learning how to appreciate what we already have. It was a very insightful and interesting webinar.

07 December 2023
Science Week!

We used the theme of 'The Human Body' to complete different experiments during Science Week. We made models of teeth and investigated the effects of tooth decay using a range of foods. As well as this, we learned how DNA was discovered and made models of the double helix structure, which was discovered in the 1950s. The boys also completed wonderful projects in groups and studied topics such as 'Famous Scientists' and 'The Solar System'. Finally, we had a demonstration of a self driving car, which was very exciting.

21 November 2023
🌋 Volcanoes 🌋

Fourth class used 'Volcanoes' as a stimulus for their English, History, Science, Art and Geography work during the month of October. We studied the ancient city of Pompeii, learned why Volcanoes erupt and the boys particularly enjoyed making volcanoes from clay.

04 November 2023