Scoil Iósaif Naofa
Oranmore Boys NS
  Scoil Iósaif Naofa, Maree Rd, Oranmore
  091 790312
Welcome to Mrs. Conneely 5th Class
Our posts
Science Week!

During Science week, we learned about the principles of density and polarity while making lava lamps. As well as this, we explored forces by working collaboratively to construct towers from marshmallows and spaghetti. The boys also created fascinating projects by choosing any topic of their choice. Some of these included: Young Inventors, Animals facing extinction and The Human Body.

11 November 2021
Happy Halloween!

In 5th class, we thoroughly enjoyed dressing up and learning all about Halloween. We created Jack O' Lanterns and Haunted houses during Art, as well as learning about the different customs and traditions of Halloween in different parts of the world. Congratulations to Matthew, who received 1st prize in the senior years for his fabulous costume.

22 October 2021
Space Week!

To celebrate Space week, the boys created wonderful projects and art work. We also learned about the fascinating story of Apollo 13's unsuccessful moon mission. The boys wrote some excellent writing linked to this using figurative language. Super work boys!

12 October 2021
The Process of Pollination!

Recently, we have been learning about the process of pollination in our science lessons. In order to gain a full understanding of how flowers reproduce, we dissected some lilies to identify the different parts of a flower. The boys then gave a full scientific explanation of pollination. Great work boys!

04 October 2021
Autumn Artwork!

Fifth class have been studying the work of the famous artist Vincent van Gogh. We were fascinated to learn that he only ever sold one of his paintings during his lifetime. The boys recreated two of his pieces of work: 'Avenue of Poplars' and 'Still life with apples'. Super work boys. Well done!

23 September 2021
Outstanding Maths award!

Congratulations to Aarush in 5th class who achieved the Kumon award for his excellent progress in maths. Aarush had to do extra maths every night at home for a year to obtain this award. We are very proud of his independence and dedication to his academic development!

19 September 2021
Our posts
Science Week!

During Science week, we learned about the principles of density and polarity while making lava lamps. As well as this, we explored forces by working collaboratively to construct towers from marshmallows and spaghetti. The boys also created fascinating projects by choosing any topic of their choice. Some of these included: Young Inventors, Animals facing extinction and The Human Body.

11 November 2021
Happy Halloween!

In 5th class, we thoroughly enjoyed dressing up and learning all about Halloween. We created Jack O' Lanterns and Haunted houses during Art, as well as learning about the different customs and traditions of Halloween in different parts of the world. Congratulations to Matthew, who received 1st prize in the senior years for his fabulous costume.

22 October 2021
Space Week!

To celebrate Space week, the boys created wonderful projects and art work. We also learned about the fascinating story of Apollo 13's unsuccessful moon mission. The boys wrote some excellent writing linked to this using figurative language. Super work boys!

12 October 2021
The Process of Pollination!

Recently, we have been learning about the process of pollination in our science lessons. In order to gain a full understanding of how flowers reproduce, we dissected some lilies to identify the different parts of a flower. The boys then gave a full scientific explanation of pollination. Great work boys!

04 October 2021
Autumn Artwork!

Fifth class have been studying the work of the famous artist Vincent van Gogh. We were fascinated to learn that he only ever sold one of his paintings during his lifetime. The boys recreated two of his pieces of work: 'Avenue of Poplars' and 'Still life with apples'. Super work boys. Well done!

23 September 2021
Outstanding Maths award!

Congratulations to Aarush in 5th class who achieved the Kumon award for his excellent progress in maths. Aarush had to do extra maths every night at home for a year to obtain this award. We are very proud of his independence and dedication to his academic development!

19 September 2021