Third and fourth class created fabulous art pieces this week. They drew and painted Rudolph. They used clay to make a manager and baby Jesus. Please see photos below of the art work.

We started off today with some making of rice krispies buns in the staffroom. It was a brilliant experience. After break, Mr Gormally brought us out for hurling. It was so much fun. Finally some amazing fifth class boys came to help us learn Jingle Bells today. We really loved having the extra help. First class had a busy and exciting day.
We had a fantastic Knex workshop on Friday November 22nd. We had to make a hammer or a wrench by following the instructions on the manual. Some parts were very tiny but important as they had to fit in to bigger pieces to form our hammers and wrenches. We worked hard. We love STEM in Rang a haon.
Third and fourth class created fabulous art pieces this week. They drew and painted Rudolph. They used clay to make a manager and baby Jesus. Please see photos below of the art work.
We had a very informative visit from a dentist. He showed the boys the correct method for brushing their teeth, explained how some foods and drinks are good for our teeth and some are bad and gave us a Food Pyramid sticker.
We started off today with some making of rice krispies buns in the staffroom. It was a brilliant experience. After break, Mr Gormally brought us out for hurling. It was so much fun. Finally some amazing fifth class boys came to help us learn Jingle Bells today. We really loved having the extra help. First class had a busy and exciting day.
First class enjoy looking at Maths in the environment. We have done lots of Maths trails around the school and even into Bluebell Woods.
We had a fantastic Knex workshop on Friday November 22nd. We had to make a hammer or a wrench by following the instructions on the manual. Some parts were very tiny but important as they had to fit in to bigger pieces to form our hammers and wrenches. We worked hard. We love STEM in Rang a haon.